BehaviorShiftExecutive Coaching…

Science of Happiness at Work TM Consultants provide insights, productivty improvement and cultureShift. In the knowledge economy… it’s a positive attitude, talent  utilization,  and appreciative action that give organizations their competitive edge.executive coaching business Tony dovale

New Science of 21st Century Professional Coaching shows Changing behaviour = Changing results…

We deliver better business coaching results through the use of cutting-edge methodologies like the Science of Happiness at Work TM to achieve lasting BehaviorShift and change
on the inner and outer dimensions… for greater resilience, effectiveness and work productivity

“Action without philosophy is a lethal weapon; philosophy without action is worthless.”  -Honda’s founder Siochiro Honda.�
Honda’s belief that corporate ‘talent management’ should improve the abilities of the whole workforce, not just a handful of so-called hand-picked “stars”.

Some forces driving the increase in the need for Executive Coaching and The Science of Happiness at Work TM :

– A changing, dynamic, demanding and competitive business environment
– The move towards individual accountability and responsibility for their own development
– Coaching is an effective development strategy for all staff, no longer only seen as remedial.
– Employees are requesting coaching as their ideal channel for learning and development.
– Traditional training methods don’t come close the effectiveness that coaching offers.
– Business Coaching is complimentary to and leverages other learning channels
– All smart companies require an ongoing strategy for staff development
– Coaching can rapidly enhance decision-making and bottom-line actions
– Coaching can be used as focussed or just-in-time improvement…a performance enhancing process, and as an effective part of a talent management/retention program etc

Effective Organizational Change Principles:

1: People and systems are dynamic – constantly changing. Incessantly changing external market challenges and forces, plus internal performance requirements mean that to survive and thrive, companies must rapidly learn how to grow and to engage in ongoing internal change that creates emotional engagement from staff and customers
2. To change an organizational system or results requires a shift in people’s behaviours.
Learning means a change in behaviour as people change by learning an alternative way of looking, thinking, feeling and acting
3. BehaviorShift coaching is the most effective vehicle for successful, lasting, personal and professional transformation of actions.
4. Successful implementation of the BehaviorShift Coaching can only be achieved sustainably by ensuring support from leaders and executives who choose to learn and lead by learning.
“Personal Change is at the heart of all coaching actions. It plays a crucial role in assisting organizational teams to create, adapt, and embrace “change-as-a-challenge”, rather than as an obstacle.
The Three elements for achieving superior and sustainable business results:

 (Strategy + Process + Behaviour) = Results