Keynote Speakers Gauteng – Happiness at Work


Happiness at work pays… more


1 Minute Wisdom…Why Happiness at Work matters

Science of Happiness at work Facilitators

Science of Happiness at work Facilitators

This powerful research by iOpener Institute UK has found (when comparing the un-happiest and happiest people at work) if you are really happy you:

  • Are 180% more energised
  • Are 155% happier in your job
  • Are 108% more engaged at work
  • Love your job 79% more
  • Are 59% more motivated
  • Have 40% more confidence
  • Achieve your goals 30% more
  • Contribute 25% more

The Structure of Happiness at work

Achieving your potential lies at the heart of the model
The 5Cs surround it:

  • Contribution – is about the effort you make and your perception of it.
  • Conviction – is about the motivation you have whatever your circumstances.
  • Culture – is about how well you feel you fit at work.
  • Commitment – is about the extent to which you are engaged with your work.
  • Confidence – is about the sense of belief you have in yourself and your job.
  • Pride, Trust and Recognition embrace the 5Cs and are quick indicators of what’s going on.
copyright iOpener Institute

Tony Dovale is a Liscenced Practitioner & Facilitator for the Science Happiness at workTM ©-iOpener Institute